Yürdor will get eCommerce Products from Ports to Porches

COVID-19 caused enormous supply chain issues in 2020 and 2021, with no end in sight for the return of business as usual for the shipping industry.  The worldwide pandemic expanded eCommerce purchases to nearly 20% of all retail purchases and are expected to reach 24.5% of retail sales by 2025.  80% of the worlds goods now travel inside containers, a 40’ steel box that was brought to the marketplace in 1955 by Malcolm McLean, who felt a standardized shipping box would make movement easier from ships to truck trailers and railroad cars.  Unfortunately, they weigh nearly five tons, and are therefore often abandoned after reaching the ports.  With eCommerce packages weighing an average of only eight pound each, Yürdor set out to create a way of using lighter weight containers that would cost far less to produce and be easier to move, yet haul as much cargo.  Our new Cargo Shipping Platform for Lightweight Shipping Containers was designed, engineered, patented and is currently undergoing certification by IS0 to ensure it meets all of the regulations for lifting and stacking now in place for every 40’ steel container.

Yurdor Shipping containers

The Yürdor vision is to move products from worldwide ports to U.S. porches without having to handle the products once packed inside a SPACE Platform, another patented product available from Yürdor.  Our routing and optimization software means that worldwide vendors can use SPACE Platforms to carry eCommerce cargo, and then place ten fully cubed out SPACE Platforms into each of the two 20’ lightweight containers that fit inside our Cargo Shipping Platforms.  This means faster loading and unloading times and a secure means of keeping products from shifting once loaded into the containers.  The combination of SPACE Platforms and Cargo Shipping Platforms, will reduce labor costs, improve loading and unloading times and eliminate the use of wooden pallets that destroy valuable forests and are loaded with carcinogenic insecticides and fire retardants  that make them hazardous to the environment.  While Malcolm McLean had a vision in 1955, Yürdor has a vision in 2021 that will change the way products are shipped, while providing sustainability for the future.  Research shows that by using light weight containers, total shipping weight can be reduced by 30% and as a result could reduce carbon emissions by 30% and save the industry billions of dollars in fuel costs.

Yurdor Shipping container
Yurdor Shipping containers

PATENT PENDING Cargo Shipping Platform for lightweight eCommerce Containers

  • A first to the market cargo container designed to safely enclose lightweight containers for global shipments.
  • Engineered to meet the ISO regulations for 40’ shipping containers, including stacking.
  • Lightweight containers inside are 51% lighter than standard steel containers
  • Gated side entry allows easy placement and removal of lightweight containers.
  • Lightweight containers in 20’ lengths allow load splitting upon port arrival
  • Lightweight containers increase the cargo capacity for intermodal rail
  • Lighter weight containers can reduce overall weight by 30% and lead to 30% decrease in carbon emissions.
  • Lightweight containers are waterproof; have the same capacity as steel containers; are easier to move and handle; and cost less to manufacturer
  • Lighter weight leads to reductions in both fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
  • Steel pallets (Yürdor SPACE Platforms are used to pack and secure products during shipment and make loading and unloading fast and easy.)
  • Lightweight containers are in demand upon arrival and offer an immediate resale opportunity to third party users.
  • Lightweight containers are an excellent resource for storing peak inventory.
  • Storage available at 45 locations in the U.S.